
  阿蕾达独家代理了首次进入亚洲市场的顶级个性化家具品牌:Julian Chichester , Mr.Brown, Thayer Coggin。艺术装饰画廊:Soicher Marin。 公司通过十几年的积累, 同时是三十几家世界顶级面料及墙纸品牌的代理商。

  Arreda is the exclusive agency of indie brands,of which are first time entering into the Asia Market. These well-known brands include furniture brands: Julian Chichester, Mr.Brown and Thayer Coggin,and decorative art-painting brand: Soicher Marin. Through over ten years' in the industry, Arreda has now grown as the agent for over 30 top-level brands of fabric and wallcovering worldwide.